Gantalkatte Parish is situated Near Moodbidri Town about 5 kilometers away on Moodbidri -Venoor Road in Kallabettu Village, Mangalore Tq. Houses of Parishioners are spread out in four Villages namely Kallabettu, Karinje, Maroor and Hosangadi.

Rev. Fr. Stany B. Lobo

Jacob Menezes, Niral Founder
Our Gantalkatte Church Building was built under the able leadership of Rev. Fr. Stany B. Lobo in 1983. It was inaugurated and blessed by then of Bishop of Mangalore Rt. Rev. Basil S. D’souza on 2nd May 1983 as a Chapel to fulfill the Sunday religious obligations and spiritual needs of people living in the villages of Kallabettu, Karinje and Maroor-Hosangadi. Land needed for this religious centre was donated by five prominent families of Niral, Kallabettu Village. They are: 1. Mr. John Menezes – 0.86 Acre 2. Late Mr. Peter Isidore Menezes – 0.50 Acre 3. Late Mr. B.S. Menezes – 0.46 Acre 4. Late Mrs. Dorothy Pinto – 0.41 Acre 5. Late Mr. Leo Menezes – 0.31 Acre
Total 2.54 Acres land was available for the parish

Mr. John Menezes Land donor

Mr. Peter Isidore Menezes Land donor

Mr. B.S. Menezes Land donor

Mrs. Dorothy Pinto Land donor

Mr. Leo Menezes Land donor
People of Gantalkatte, young and old not only contributed their mite generously for the Church Building and other developments in and around the Church, but also came to the spot in big numbers every day for a long period of time to contribute their manual labour to raise the Church construction, to dig a well for drinking water, to level the ground around the Church, to construct a compound wall etc. The youth of the locality who had gone abroad to Gulf Arabian countries for work, a few working in England, Bangalore etc, contributed good amount of money towards the church building and presbytery. Mr. Jacob Menezes of Niral donated a big amount and was considered as Founder of the church. Initially our Gantalkatte chapel was served by the Parish Priests of Taccode Parish, the Mother Church.

Rev. Fr. Stany B. Lobothe Founder of the Church, used to come to Gantalkatte every Sunday to celebrate Holy Mass and administer other sacraments. Sunday catechism classes were also started in 1983 with the help of Bethany sisters of Taccode, and Catholic Youth Organisation which was inaugurated and started on the very day of the blessing of the Chapel on 2nd may 1983. The first President of Catholic Youth Organisation was Mr. Egbert Menezes of Niral- Kallabettu. Along with him more than a dozen youth of the locality worked very hard to complete the developmental projects of the Parish and to organize Parish activities and apostolic social service to one and all, around the Chapel and later parish of Gantalkatte. The youth of the area were really hands and feet of Rev. Fr. Stany B. Lobo and they contributed enormously to establish and develop this place as a full pledged independent Parish in 1987.

After the transfer of Rev. Fr. Stany B. Lobo from Taccode to St. Sebastian Church, Permannur, Mangalore, on 18th May 1986, Rev. Fr. Henry Sequeiratook charge as a new Parish Priest of Taccode. He also took charge as Chaplain of our Gantalkatte Chapel. During his time, Novena Prayers on Saturdays were started and he planted the coconut seedlings behind the Church building. A committee was formed by the Bishop under the leadership of V. Rev. Fr. L.V.M. Fernandes, Vicar Vara of Moodbidri, in order to study the feasibility of establishing the Gantalkatte Church as an independent Parish. Rev. Fr. Henry Sequeira was also a member of the committee. With the co-operation and contribution of Gantalkatte Parishioners, a stability Fund for the new Parish was started. People donated Rs. 30,000 and Taccode Parish contributed Rs.5,000 to this fund.

On June 1st 1988 Rev. Fr. Henry Sequeira was transferred to canara Communication Centre Mangalore. Rev. Fr. Lawrence D’souza became the Parish Priest of Taccode and Gantalkatte. During his time on 2nd May 1988 Bishop Basil S. D’souza signed the decree and declared that Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Chapel as an independent Parish. Thus the long felt need and great dream of our people of Gantalkatte became a reality and Gantalkatte parish was born. |
Rev. Fr. Xavier Gomes who was working as a lecturer at St. Philomena’s Collage Puttur, was appointed first Parish Priest of the new Gantalkatte Parish. He took the charge on July 2nd 1988. In the same year he started Altar Servers’ sodality for Boys and Legion of Mary for girls. On July 17th 1988 first Parish Pastoral Council was established. Mr. Joachim Gonsalves of Niral ward, was elected as the first Vice President and Mr. Urban Menezes of Karinje B ward, was chosen as secretary.

Rev. Fr. Xavier Gomes

Mr. Joachim Gonsalves

Mr. Urban Menezes
Bishop Basil S. D’souza conducted the first Pastoral Visit on October 1st and 2nd 1988. On that day 17 children’s received First Holy Communion and 13 boys and girls were confirmed. The first public solemn Eucharistic procession, sermon, blessing of Eucharist was organised at Urpel Pade, Kallabettu village, in view of the first Parish Feast, which was celebrated on 30th November 1988 on a grand scale.
At the start of the parish, there were four wards: namely Niral, Karinje A, Karinje B and Maroor. The First Gurkar of Niral ward was Mr. John Menezes; the first Gurkar of Karinje A ward was Mr. Cyprian Pinto; the first Gurkar of Karinje B ward was Mr. Baptist Sequeira; and the first Gurkar of Maroor was Mr. Vincent Pereira. On December 18th 1988 a unit of St. Vincent De Paul Society was started. Mr. Philip Nery Pereira was elected as the first president of this association.
On the occasion of Youth day on January 29th 1989, the present Bus Stand in front of Church gate, was built by our Catholic Youth Association and was inaugurated on the anniversary day of Parish on 2nd July 1989. A Parish bulletin ‘Gantalkattechem Nekethr’, was also published on that day. Our Youth Association conducted every year Volley Ball and Throw ball matches for Varado youth from the very start and they have won several shields and prizes both at Varado and Diocesan levels.
In 1990 Our Parish bought 6.94 acres of agricultural land from one M. Robert Menezes. We extracted laterite stones from this land and used the same for our Church Compound Wall.

On June 11th 1990 Rev. Fr. Antony V. Luwis was appointed as Parish priest of Gantalkatte. Prior to his transfer back to St. Philomena’s Collage, Fr. Xavier Gomes had laid foundation stone for a Belfry to our Church. The new Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Antony V. Luwis completed the project and it was inaugurated on May 2nd in 1992. Under the leadership of Rev. Fr. Antony V. Luwis, Parishioners under took to remodel and extend our Church Building. New Portico was added to the Church and new windows were fitted. Roof of the Church was renovated and floor work was done. About Rs.15,00,000 were spent on this project. Bishop Basil S. D’souza of Mangalore Diocese, inaugurated and blessed the renovated Church Building on 1st May in 1996. It was a grand celebration. All the Varado Priests and former Parish Priests and friends, guests of Parishioners took part in the event. About 800 guests were served a good meal on the happy occasion.
On 6th October 1996, a unit of Catholic Sabha, the Diocesan lay organisation, was started in our Parish. Mr. Jossy Menezes of Niral was elected as the first President of Catholic Sabha and Mr. Victor D’cunha served as first secretary of the same.
Mr. J. E. Gonsalves, the first Vice President of the Parish Continued in this post up to 1991. After him during the period of 1991-92 Mr. Leo Alex Menezes of Niral served as Vice President. During his tenure, Mr. Rexon Miranda was Secretary.
Mr Leo Alex Menezes

Mr Rexon Miranda
In 1992 Mr. Cyprian Pinto of Karinje – Mithail was elected Vice President and Mr. Rexon Miranda continued as Secretary. They cooperated whole heartedly giving full support to execute projects of construction of belfry and renovation and remodelling of Church Building. For a brief period of about a year Mr. Backet D’souza of Karinje served as Vice President.

Mr Cyprian Pinto
Mr Backet D'Souza

Mr Egbert Menezes
But after he left for gulf countries abroad for the purpose of job, Mr. Cyprian Pinto was re-elected as Vice president and Mr. Egbert Menezes of Niral was elected to the Secretary post.
Rev. Fr. Antony V. Luwis was very much interested in planting seedlings and plants in the church compound. By his efforts and parishioners' active cooperation, Church Compound was full of greenery and many coconut plants came up. He also encouraged parishioners to start Small Christian communities in the wards. Four wards namely St. Sebastian, St. Lawrence, Nithyadhar and Maroor started Small Christian communities. They met once a month. He also encouraged Parishioners to erect a grotto in honour of Mother Mary under her title Nithyadhar Matha Mary. The Shrine is named as Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. The expenses were paid by Mrs. Marie Menezes and family of Niral, Mr. David D’silva and family of Maroor and Mr. Hilary Rego and family of Niral. It was inaugurated on 18th May 1997.

After serving the Parish for 7 years, Rev. Fr. Antony V. Luwis was transferred to Infant Mary Church Katipalla and a Carmelite-OCD religious priest Rev. Fr. Egidius Monteiro took charge of our parish as Parish priest.
During his time, he laid great importance to teach catechism to children. He requested the Superior and founder of Sisters of Mount Rosary Sevikas from Mount Rosary Convent Alangar, to come and teach Catechism here every Sunday. He also encouraged the youth to learn play Brass Band and other musical instruments. Mr. David Nazareth taught some of the youth to play Brass Band and musical instruments. They continue to do so even to this day. In order to cultivate devotion to Blessed Mother Mary a statue of Our Lady of Fatima was taken round to every house-family in our Parish. He also conducted Eucharistic adoration every Saturday evening. |
On 30th May 1998, Rev. Fr. Lawrence Martis took charge of the Parish as new parish Priest. Dr. G. E. Noronha and Mr. John Mendis were appointed as extra ordinary in misters of Eucharist in the same year. On Christmas Day 1998 a Christa Katha in song and dance ‘Kristagaana Sudha’ by name, was organised by Parish Council. It was presented by Mr. M. Giridharan and his team in Kannada language. Many local people of all religions attended the programme. Because of scarcity of water in the open well, a bore well near church gate was dug on 11th March 1998. In the same year our Youth Association CYM unit received the ‘Best Unit’ in the diocese award. In August 1998 Mrs. Juliana Sequeira was elected Gurkar of St. Joseph’s ward. She was the first lady to be elected as Gurkar in our Parish. Rev. Fr. Lawrence Martis started a unit of YCS (Young Christian Students) for PUC students Boys and Girls in 1998. There were 20 members in the Association. Mr. Jossy Menezes was appointed first animator of YCS. The great developmental work undertaken by the people of Gantalkatte parish during the time of Rev. Fr. Lawrence Martis was levelling the Church ground in three tiers and building a compound wall in front of the church and eastern and western sides of the compound. This work started in 1999 and completed in 2000A.D. Mr. Jacob Menezes of Niral donated 10,000 stones for this project and parishioners donated Money generously for this work. In the year 1999 Our Catholic Sabha unit and CYA unit were awarded ‘Best Units’ at Varado level.

On 30th May 2000 Rev. Fr. Lawrence Martis was transferred and Rev. Fr. Michael Santhmayor took charge of the Parish as Parish Priest. Soon after his arrival the darkast land 6.94 acres was registered in the name of Rev. Fr. Michael Santhmayor our parish priest. Mr. Robert Menezes sold the land to church. Same year our CYM unit was awarded ‘Model Youth Unit’ at the diocesan level. On 13th August 2000 Women’s Association was started in our parish with the intention of empowering women of our parish. Mrs. Precilla Sequeira was chosen as the first president and Mrs. Lydia D’cunha was elected to the secretary’s post. In order to improve their financial situation women started Self-help units in the Parish. On February 11, 2001 our Catholic Sabha unit received ‘Best Association’ award at the Moodbidri Varado level for the third time. |
During the month of May elections for Parish Pastoral Council were held and Mr. Jossy Menezes of Niral was elected as Vice President and Mrs. Precilla Sequeira as secretary of new Parish Pastoral Council. Later Mrs. Precilla Sequeira shifted her residence to Mumbai and therefore she resigned from her secretary post. In her place, Mr. Mark Ivan D’cunha was chosen as secretary.

Mr. Jossy Menezes

Mrs. Precilla Sequeira

Mr. Mark Ivan D’cunha
When our parish was established Mr. Leo Menezes of Niral had donated several Kneelers and benches to the Church. But they were getting worn out and there was a need to replace them and add a few new ones. Hence Rev. Fr. Michael Santhmayor requested the parishioners to donate new pews, each costing about Rs.3,500. Church needed 60 pews. This project was completed on 28th November 2001. They were inaugurated on that day. That day Parish feast was being celebrated. In all Rs.2,12,000 were spent on this project. Mr. Cyril Pereira, Mr. Henry D’souza of Karinje and Mr. Lawrence Aranha of Maroor donated key board (Organ) to our church costing about Rs.35,000 same year. Rev. Fr. Michael Santhmayor revived Small Christian communities’ meetings in the wards. Though they were active for some time, later they had stopped meeting regularly. Leaders of Small Christian communities were well trained by conducting a seminar for them. It was conducted by Rev. Fr. Aurthur Pereira Diocesan Animator for Small Christian communities. So far Gantalkatte Parish had four wards Niral, Karinje A, Karinje B and Maroor. Now in November 2002 Niral Ward was divided into A and B, and all the wards renamed as follows: Niral A as Nithyadhar Ward; Niral B as St. Joseph’s Ward. These two wards are in Kallabettu Village. Karinje A as St. Lawrence Ward. It is in eastern portion of Karinje Village. Western portion of the Village Karinje as St. Sebastian’s Ward. It is situated partly in Kallabettu and partly in Karinje Village. St. Antony’s Ward is in Maroor and Hosangadi Villages. In November of that year Women’s Organisation elected Mrs. Gracy Lasrado as their president. Mr. Gerald Stany Pinto was re-elected as Gurkar of Nithyadhar ward. He was first elected to the post in 1996. Mr. Lawrence Sequeira was elected as Gurkar of St. Sebastian’s Ward in 1992. Mr. Felix Pereira was elected Gurkar of St. Lawrence ward. Mr. John Mendes was elected Gurkar of St. Joseph’s ward. All Parish Organisations joined together and did a full day shramadhan in order to level the site of Nithyadhar Sabha Bhavan. A few weeks later Catholic Sabha Members organised one more shramadhan and filled the foundation of Parish Hall. On 2nd February 2003 Catholic Sabha of our Parish organised Moodbidri zone level Sammelan of Catholic Sabha. Catholic Sabha units of all parishes of Moodbidri zone and few guests from other units, in all about a thousand participated. Mr. David Simmion the honourable speaker of Karnataka Assembly was Chief Guest. Our unit brought out a souvenir ‘Gantalkattechi Ghant’ by name. Mr Wilfred D’cunha was chief Editor of the same. Mr. John Mendes was coordinator of the whole programme. Dean of the Varado Rev. Fr Lawrence Martis donated Rs. 79,000 for housing project and along with parish money, three new houses were built to the poor people, and those houses were blessed on 15th April 2002.
When Rev. Fr. Michael Santhmayor was absent from the Parish, Rev. Fr L. S. Pais and Rev. Fr John Baptist Saldanha have rendered their service for a short period. We are indebted to them.
During Rev. Fr. Michael Santhmayor, Gantalkatte Parishioners decided to build Nithyadhar Sabhabhavan. It was a major project undertaken by our Parish. All the Parishioners worked enthusiastically to erect this massive building by donating big amount of money and contributing labour. During the past 25 years many youth of the parish both living here and working abroad have contributed enormously for the development of the parish either by way of Donating money or offering free service to parish development projects and activities. Youth from Menezes, Miranda, Sequeira, Pereira, Aranha, Pinto and other families’ contribution has played prominent role in developing our parish spiritually, socially, culturally and in physical structures. Rev. Fr. Michael Santhmayor trained our youthful singers in liturgical music and singing. He appointed Mr. Sunil Miranda of Niral as Choir Master of the Parish. Under his able leadership liturgical celebrations were conducted meaningfully and with good music and singing of Hymns. Mr. Sunil Miranda continued as our Choir Master to this day. Recent physical developments of the Parish took place during the time of Fr. Michael Santhmayor who took charge of the Parish in 2000. Under his able leadership Nithyadhar Sabha Bhavan our Parish hall was built and blessed in 2003. The land 20cents for the hall was donated by Sri. John Menezes of Niral, Nithyadhar ward. People of the Parish donated generously towards the construction of Sabha Bhavan building. Government of Karnataka under Shaadi Mahal Scheme contributed Rs.5lacks. We got it through the service of our local M.L.A., Sri. Abhayachandara Jain. Our youth who are working abroad, mostly in gulf Arab countries, contributed good amount of money for the construction of our hall. Nithyadhar Sabha Bhavan the Parish Hall was inaugurated on 25th May 2003. Along with it five rooms for shops to let out, were also inaugurated. It was a mile stone in the history of development of the Parish. Due to Parish Hall, the revenue of the Parish income increased and material needs of the Parish Church and other day today expenses could be met adequately. Parish Hall was Furnished with 500 Plastic chairs and other necessary furniture: a montop in the middle of the Hall, a table, teapoy, M.C. stand, etc were bought. Besides marriage receptions, cradling ceremonies of new born children, first Holy Communion celebration, ‘Thodamane’, ‘Bhayake’ fuctions and dinners, engagement ceremonies, Youth programmes, conferences, get-togethers, Souhardha Cootas’, Health Camps and Seminars etc are regularly held in our Nithyadhar Sabha Bhavan. Not only Christian families but also Hindu families of neighbouring Parishes and Villages organize various Social and Cultural factions by hiring our Parish hall. Rev. Fr. Michael Santhmayor was transferred in June 2003 to Rosario PU Collage as a Lecturer. During his time Parish progressed very well in all aspects: spiritually culturally and physically. Parish Associations were very active and cooperative with Parish leaders. Mr. Alwyn Menezes of St. Sebastian’s ward was appointed Animator to ICYM. Mr. Sunil Miranda was appointed Animator to YCS Unit in 2005. Mr. John Mendes was elected to the post of President of Catholic Sabha.
During the time of next Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Anil D’souza who took charge of the Parish on 8th June 2003 physical and spiritual aspects of the Parish structures and life were further developed. Under his able leadership a grand Presbytery-Residence for Parish Priest and guests was constructed by demolishing the old one.
In 2006 our Vice President Mr. Jossy Menezes shifted his residence to Corpus Christi Church Moodbidri. Hence in his place Mr. Rexon Miranda was chosen as vice president of Parish pastoral council. Mrs. Mary Pereira was chosen as the Secretary of Parish pastoral council. They along with other leaders of the Parish under the leadership of Rev. Fr. Anil D’souza contacted our parishioners working in Mumbai and abroad and collected good amount of funds for the new Presbytery. They even travelled to Mumbai and toured there for this purpose. It was felt that the old Parish Residence was too small and rooms were too small in size. In the new residence bedroom and office for the Parish Priest and bed rooms for guests, a meeting hall, dinning hall, kitchen and a bed room for the use of cook were planned. The project cost was about Rs. 27 lacs.

Rev. Fr. Anil D’souza |

Mr. Rexon Miranda

Mrs. Mary Pereira |
The youth of the Parish and leaders of the Parish were very enthusiastic about the construction of the Presbytery. Hence they contributed a lot of money as well as manual labour. Some amount of money was collected by the Parish youth who were working in Middle East Arab Countries and in cities like Mumbai, Bangalore and London. Electrification and plumbing too was done by our Parish Youth. In March 2007 Mr. Vincent Menezes was appointed Gurkar of St. Antony’s ward in the place of Mr. Vincent Pereira who had resigned earlier. The new Presbytery was blessed and inaugurated by Bishop Aloysius Paul D’souza on 2nd May 2007. There was a big crowed of Parishioners and big number of Priests from Varado and former Parish Priests of Gantalkatte attended the function.
Mr. John Mendes was elected as the vice president of Parish pastoral council and Mrs. Gretta Aranha was elected as secretary of the same in 2007.

Mr. John Mendes |

Mrs. Gretta Aranha |
On 8th June 2007 Fr. Anil D’souza who was appointed Diocesan Youth Director, handed over the charge of the parish to Rev. Fr. Mark Walder.
The new Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Mark Walder visited all the families in their homes during the month of August, September and October. 2008 the year was silver jubilee of our Church Building. It was decided by Parish Pastoral Council to celebrate the same by implementing the following projects: 1. Build toilets for Parish catholic families, who do not have one until now. 2. Develop and extend 20 cents of Church land on southern side of the existing cemetery by levelling and building edges into a new cemetery. 3. Repaint Church building as well as Nithyadhar Sabha Bhavan building. First the cemetery extension work was started in November 2007. J.C.B was brought to level the ground and parishioners too through Sarthie work or Shramadhan completed the levelling. Two sides of the new cemetery portion was built up by using laterite stones and then compound wall of cemetery was built. During the early months of 2008th year six families of parishioners were helped to construct Toilets. Church building and Parish Hall were repainted. As a spiritual preparation a retreat or Spiritual exercises were conducted by Redemptorist fathers: Eugine D’silva and Henry Fernandes of Nithyadhar Nivas Alangar, Moodbidri. The Jubilee Celebration function took place on 2nd May 2008. Vicar General of Mangalore Diocese Rt. Rev. Mgr. Frederick V. Pereira was the main celebrant of Jubilee Solemn Holy Mass. Priests from Moodbidri Varado and former Parish Priests of our Parish and Priests from Gantalkatte and most of the parishioners participated. After the Holy Mass former Parish Priests Rev. Fr. Stany B. Lobo, Rev. Fr. Antony V. Luwis, Rev. Fr. Lawrence D’souza and Rev. Fr. Anil D’souza were honoured and given Mementoes. All participants were served snacks and soft drinks. Priests and invited special guests took part of Jubilee dinner. Our ICYM conducted a Dioceson level cricket and throw ball tournament in the name of late Amar D’silva of Maroor who died in 2007 September due to motorbike road accident. He was former ICYM president and a promising and Talented Youth of Our Parish. About 24 teams participated. A training programme to Small Christen Community leaders of five wards, was conducted with a view to revitalize Small Christen Community groups and meetings in the ward. Rev. Fr. Gilbert D’souza, Diocesan Director of Small Christen Communities was the resource person. About 70 leaders took part in the training programme. In the November 2009 the ground in front of the Church and the portion at left side of the Church was levelled and interlock bricks were laid in order to give a better look to the Church and keep it clean. Now at least a thousand people can sit there and watch social and cultural programmes using the portico of the Church, as a stage. We spent two lachs and fifteen thousand rupees for this work. Interlock bricks were also laid to the front strip of Our Parish Hall, in order to beautify and keep clean this area. During Christmas Celebration our Parish Council Members organised a Christmas ‘Sauhardha Koota’, inviting our Hindu and Muslim neighbours. About 400 people of all three faiths participated and appreciated the programme of cultural shows, speeches explaining the significance of Christmas. All were served Christmas Cake, snacks and cold drinks. In October 2009 Mr. John Mendes resigned his post of Vice President of Parish Pastoral Council. In his place Mr. Cyprian Pinto was elected as Vice President of Parish Pastoral Council for the third time. In October 2010 compound wall around coconut grove behind the Church was completed. It cost us about one lach of rupees. The cemetery wall at the south north and eastern side collapsed during the raining season. We rebuilt it spending about Rs. 50,000.
During the month of November elections to new Parish Pastoral Council and finance committee were held. Mr. Vincent Menezes Gurkar of St Antony ward was chosen as Vice president and Mrs. Gretta Aranha was re-elected as Secretary. Mr. Alwyn Menezes of St. Sebastian ward was elected as Gurkar and Mr. Cyprian Pinto ex vice president was chosen as Gurkar of St. Lawrence ward. Earlier two ladies were chosen as Gurkars of Our Parish. They are Mrs. Anitha Fernandes (Corea) Gurkar of St. Joseph’s ward and Mrs. Anitha Patrao (Menezes) of Niral the Gurkar of Nithyadhar ward. Mr. Ashwin Jossie Pereira was elected as Animator of our ICYM Unit and Mr. John Lesten Monteiro of St. Antony ward as Animator of YCS unit. Mr. Sunil Miranda who was Animator of YCS unit so far, was chosen to be Animator of Moodbidri Varado units of YCS.

Mr. Vincent Menezes |

Mrs. Gretta Aranha |
We intend to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of the foundation of Our Parish in the year 2013 starting the Jubilee year on 2nd May 2012 and closing the same in May 2013. In order to make the celebrations memorable and useful to Our Parishioners Our parish Pastoral Council has decided to complete the laying of the interlock bricks on the eastern side of the Church and repair the approach road to the Church tarring it from our Church gate up to cemetery. We intend to construct an entrance arch to cemetery. The project cost will be about two and half lacks of rupees. The laying of Interlock around Church on eastern side was completed in November 2011. It costs us about Rs. 95,000.